1. Peer Review and Editorial Procedure
– Peer review is integral to maintaining the quality and integrity of MDR Journal of Medical Research. Following submission, each manuscript undergoes a technical check by our Managing Editor and an editorial pre-check by a selected academic editor. The editorial process includes rigorous peer review by independent experts, requiring at least two review reports per manuscript. Decisions are made by the academic editor, often the Editor-in-Chief or a Guest Editor, based on these reviews. Accepted manuscripts are then subjected to internal copy and English editing. More details can be found in our editorial process brochure.
2. Reviewers’ Profile and Responsibilities
– Reviewers play a critical role in ensuring the integrity of the academic record. The criteria for reviewers include:
– No conflicts of interest with the authors
– Independence from the authors’ institutions
– Holding a PhD or MD (for medical journals)
– Demonstrable expertise and publication record in the manuscript’s field
– Official academic affiliation
– Reviewers are expected to conduct evaluations ethically, transparently, and professionally, adhering to COPE guidelines.
3. Reviewers’ Benefits
– Reviewers for MDR Journal of Medical Research are appreciated for their essential role and are offered various benefits, including:
– Discount vouchers for future article processing charges
– Personalized reviewer certificates
– Eligibility for “Outstanding Reviewer Awards”
– Inclusion in the journal’s annual acknowledgment of reviewers
– Potential promotion to Reviewer Board Members
– Ability to record review activities on Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service and integrate with ORCID
4. Reviewer Board
– The Reviewer Board consists of researchers committed to providing high-quality, rigorous review reports. Responsibilities include reviewing a minimum of 6 manuscripts per year and suggesting potential reviewers. Active members may be promoted to the Topical Advisory Panel.
5. Volunteer Reviewers
– MDR Journal welcomes volunteer reviewers. Interested parties meeting the criteria in Section 2 can apply. Successful applicants may be promoted to Reviewer Board Members.
6. General Guideline for MDR Reviewers Recruiting Program
– Reviewers can apply to review manuscripts via our Submission System, selecting from available manuscripts that match their expertise. Applications are reviewed for suitability and potential conflicts of interest.
7. General Guidelines for Reviewers
– Reviewers are expected to provide detailed, constructive, and unbiased feedback on manuscripts, maintaining confidentiality throughout the review process. Guidelines cover invitation acceptance, conflict of interest declaration, confidentiality, report writing, manuscript rating, and overall recommendations. Reviewers are advised against the use of AI-assisted tools for manuscript review.
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